Make the Best Decision for Your Child
Explore our childcare provider profiles in Mansfield, LA and Northwest Louisiana
Every publicly funded early childhood site in Louisiana receives a Performance Profile. This profile provides information on the site's classroom quality and use of best practices to help parents make smart early learning choices for their children. This includes public school pre-k classes and all Type III childcare providers.

Our performance profiles
The overall measure of classroom quality is reflected with one of five levels:
Unsatisfactory, Approaching Proficient, Proficient, High Proficient and Excellent.
Below you will find the profile scores for each public school pre-k program and the Type III childcare providers in the parish. We are very proud that all of our sites are at the upper end of the scale. We have excellent staff at all of our sites who work hard to do the very best for your children.
Logansport High School PreK 4-High Proficient
DPSB PreK 3 @ Logansport High School-High Proficient
Mansfield Elementary School PreK 4-High Proficient
DPSB PreK 3@Mansfield Elementary-High Proficient
Save the Children Head Start/Early Head Start-High Proficient
We Care of Mansfield-High Proficient
GBaby's Development Center-Proficient
Stanley High School PreK: 4-Excellent
North DeSoto Lower Elementary PreK 4-Excellent
Small Impressions-Proficient
If you have any questions about our pre-kindergarten evaluations, we'll be glad to speak with you today.